Keweenaw Heartlands
- Address
- Price:
- Acres
- Keweenaw County, Michigan
- ± 32,661.00 Acres

Keweenaw Heartlands
Data Room opens June 28, 2021.
AFM Real Estate (AFMRE) is pleased to present Keweenaw Heartlands, located in Keweenaw County, Michigan, totaling ±32,661 GIS Acres. The Lands are comprised of four separate packages:
- The Point ±10,080 GIS Acres | $12,090,000
- Harbor View ±5,749 GIS Acres | $6,908,000
- Keweenaw Alpine ±9,769 GIS Acres | $14,650,000
- Little Betsy Shoreline ±7,063 GIS Acres | $9,545,000
Prospective buyers may express interest in the property in its entirety or in any combination of individual packages.
The property is located in the heart of the Keweenaw Peninsula in the northernmost part of Upper Michigan. The property stretches from the northern tip of the Peninsula to the resort ski town of Lac La Belle.
Each package offers a unique set of attributes and unlimited potential uses that can only be found in an enchanting place like the Keweenaw Peninsula. It is hard to put the beauty of each package into words, but each features recreational trails, waterfront features, incredible viewsheds, and development and/or conservation potential.
The property has a long history dating back over a century ago to the colossus Calumet & Hecla Mining Company (C&H) which established the “copper country” region of Upper Michigan. At its peak during the mid-late 1800s, C&H was the leading copper producer in the United States and the world. As the mining subsided and the world changed, the Keweenaw went back to its quiet roots. Through the subsequent ownerships, the lands were managed primarily for timber production. As time went on, and the recreation industries began to discover what a special place the Keweenaw was, the popularity of the area as a destination grew exponentially.
Today, the village of Copper Harbor, and the Keweenaw overall, have become bustling communities of ATV and snowmobile riders, mountain biking enthusiasts, campers, downhill and cross-country skiers, and those that just like to be outdoors. This package offers an opportunity to become a part of that community.
AFMRE has set up an electronic data room containing property information for interested parties to use as they evaluate the property. All prospective buyers who execute a Confidentiality Agreement (CA) will be granted access to the data room starting June 28, 2021.
To download the CA, Click here. Send all Executed CAs to Trina Anderson: [email protected]
For information related to this offering, please contact:
Trina Anderson
Broker in Charge, Michigan Region
AFM Real Estate
C 906.369-1493
[email protected]
Eric Stier
Lake States Region Manager
AFM Real Estate
C 906.369-4772
[email protected]
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock and ponds. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.