Groveton Timberlands
- Address
- Price:
- Acres
- Polk and Trinity Counties, Texas
- ± 41,801.00 Acres

Groveton Timberlands
American Forest Management, Inc. (AFM) has been retained by BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group to solicit sealed bids for approximately 41,801± GIS acres of land and timber known as the Groveton Timberlands. The timberlands are located in Polk (26,816 ± acres) and Trinity (14,985± acres) Counties, Texas. The property is being offered for sale as one package in its entirety through a lump sum single-stage bid sale event. Offers will not be considered for individual tracts.
Groveton is located in East Texas which is an attractive area to own and manage timberland due to the region’s productive soils and well-developed timber markets and an active and expanding rural real estate market. Although the pine sawtimber markets have historically defined the region, the pulp markets are equally as impressive, allowing for the production and marketing of a wide variety of forest products.
Seventy-eight percent (78%) of the acreage is currently classified as suitable for pine plantation management. The cover types are summarized as:
• 32,273± acres of loblolly pine plantations
• 258± acres of recent pine cutover
• 2,453± acres of natural pine
• 5,693± acres of natural pine/hardwood/SMZ
• 1,124± acres of non-forest land
The upland acreage has a diverse age class distribution of pine plantations growing on upper coastal plain soil types. Groveton is weighted toward older pine age classes with an average plantation age of almost 17 years.
This includes:
• 20,937± acres of merchantable pine plantations (≥ 12 years of age) with an average age of approximately 24 years. The merchantable pine plantation acres carry approximately 1,335,475 tons of pine volume equating to an estimated 64± tons per net plantation acre.
• 11,336± acres of premerchantable pine plantations (<12 years of age) with an average age of approximately 4 years.
AFM has set up an electronic data room containing information for prospective purchasers to use as they evaluate the offering. All prospective purchasers who execute a Confidentiality Agreement (CA) are invited to participate in the process and will be granted access to the data room.
Data room opens on June 17, 2019
Bids are due on August 6, 2019
Confidentiality Agreements should be returned to Tom Margo. Sale specific questions should be directed to Eric Gage.
Eric Gage
Texas Licensed Real Estate Broker
American Forest Management, Inc.
121 South Broadway - Suite 318
Tyler, Texas 75702
C: 936.676.7034
[email protected]
Tom Margo
Director of Investment & Real Estate
American Forest Management, Inc.
8702 Red Oak Blvd. - Suite C
Charlotte, NC 28217
C: 478.232.8833
[email protected]
No brokerage commission, finder’s fee or referral arrangements will be paid to any outside broker by the seller or AFM as a result of this transaction.
Property Documents
All information is assumed to be accurate and substantially correct but no assumptions of liability are intended. Neither the seller nor the agent or representatives warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information. Seller does not guarantee timber volumes, values, acreages (total, woodland/cropland, stand or otherwise), tree ages or the condition and/or function of any improvements, including but not limited to all buildings, machinery, appliances, wells, equipment, livestock and ponds. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied as to the property, its condition, boundaries or logging feasibility. Prospective buyers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of this information.